A few additions on meals (with or without wheels).
- Diner at Africa-Africa was a walking dinner with about 10 main bites and 4 deserts. An absolute winner and definitly something to go to (both food and show!)
- Bourgondisch Vreeswijk has moved towards the river. A positive change regarding ambiance isn’t our first impression although there is an increase in people wanting to eat there. Despite our positive experience from our last visit we weren’t too pleased this time. We will be visiting again soon to get confinced of the fine cuisine that it has to offer.
- Olympia in Best is apparently a well selling (Greek) restaurant. Even on a weekly day you have to reserve. Together with a collegae we had pleasent discussions and talks despite the full service! The food was excellent! More than enough quality and quantity to keep our mouths shut! The baklave was a bit of a surprise (erm, thats a lot of clove-taste, owwww, i’m chewing on one!) but very good taste and quality!
- On our way to EuroBSDcon we stopped in Northern-Germany besides the highway. Just take an exit and search for a nice/small restaurant. With two of my collegaes we went up in a delightfull Doner Kebab place. Be amazed!