3107Tonight I dived into the wonderfull world of push which works even if you have no exchange or zarafa server chewing your mail. And it’s very easy to add push for your own server. All you need is Z-Push, installing is following the INSTALL. Only note to make is you have (for 1.3 and 1.4RC) to add a single line in the code in backend/diffbackend.php function ImportMessageMove (line 267), insert “$this->_backend->MoveMessage($this->_folderid, $id, $newfolder);” this to the function to be able to move and/or delete mail. Don’t forget to change the config file to ‘IMAP’ as instructed by the INSTALL file!
On your cellphone or PDA you can now configure your account as an ‘Exchange’ account, just taking over the usual data (hostname, username, password, etc.) and it will work. I’m delighted that some things just work 🙂
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