3153 After some long years of searing a replacement for my previous watch we succeeded at Duvolee in Woerden. Despite many resellers only making some requirements fit with one or two models from the cabinet – or worse – a magazine. Most of the times they would include a Tisso, which I like very much, but I won’t be using may of its functionality and thus it would become a very expensive tool. In Woerden the saleswomen got several models of at least four brands on the table, we were astonished, she even added some not fitting the requirements but as examples of what could be ordered. Included on the table was the juwel that you can see on the left, i was sold … or better stated, Marianne was, as she was on the hunt for a present for me all those years. I’m very happy with it, just getting used to having something attached to the wrist again 🙂
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