What do you mean? Did you crash into something? No, nothing bad 🙂 Today our tour coordinator surprised me with a lack of (GPS’ or people putting the route on it) and telling me I didn’t get to film today but drive up front (leading the way!). Well, follow the leader, that’s a first one in my case – I’ve never done that before (ok, a few small trips returning from a far drive and then again on the highway, but nothing fancy). As it was my first time I got a nice set of drivers and some routine drivers … so, bring it on? (in the picture you can see me driving away to the left, leading 5 bikes)
Pushing a route to a GPS is one thing, but if it points to the highway after 3 roundabouts and ‘tapping’ quickly seeing it wasn’t going anywhere soon —> that can’t be right? Fortunately Jan made my heartrate return to normal a bit with ‘we turn off at Driebergen, it’s about right’. Apparently my confusion was obvious 🙂 Note2self, prepare better next time, so it won’t be a surprise when it is neccesary to lead 🙂 I would have known such things and drives a bit better when you know what’s coming.
The ride itself was very pleasant, I didn’t drive too fast (bit slower than normally), but the group (including me) enjoyed all the views the ride provided us with. On request of the tourcie we didn’t pause anywhere so everyone was desperate for coffee when we got there. So when leading again, just rely on your own thirst, although it was meant to be a direct-drive. The second group arrived within 10 minutes 🙂
During lunch I ‘reversed’ the cam and looking back some footage I took more time for it than ‘quickly putting it there’ in the morning. The footage from the afternoon is way better, although a bit ‘draining the sea’ as my granddad would say 🙂
So a fantastic ride to look back to, grateful to the patience and cheers of my fellow riders and of course a delicious (partially supplied) lunch with a natural view to enjoy. Well, see for yourselves :