3330A defect part is always a good reason to look for better solutions and thanks to my colleague Johan I found Maverick thermometers and some searching led me to a willing saleswomen in Germany. Last week the 732 landed on our front door so that was a good reason to look for willing meat for the Big Green Egg. It turned out to be some pork and due to my cautiousness it was slightly overcooked to be beautiful but nevertheless very tasty. The ideal part is you can take the receiver anywhere in the house and don’t have to look at the BGE all the time. For those who’ve (already talked to me on Twitter about it) it’s not only more easy but also better for your cooking product! Every time you open the egg to look, you’ll loose heat and moisture, besides that poking it with a normal meat thermometer takes a long time and all the holes will drain it’s juices. A very nice result + the mavericks :33333321
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